Thursday 29 October 2009

I guess i should speak a little!!

Well i haven't really spoken or written a post that is me personally interacting with the reader, but i think that is the purpose of my poetry to personally engage the reader. Any how, i guess you should know a little about me. This blog though not extensively long, has been going for about 2 years. It was just a way for me to release the private love i had for poetry and give others a chance to read my thoughts and feelings, because that is what my poetry is, and if you know me- you will know that this is not a possible task to do with me as a person, as i have been told i am unreadable. I am 22 years old. I am a university graduate, i pursue acting, journalism and poetry as you can see here, in my life aspirations and vocation. I would like to encourage comments because whilst i love what i write, as it is close to my heart. I would like critical analysis from others; especially professionals. Well this was my first time to speak and already i feel i have spoken enough, so i hope you enjoy my thoughts and feelings and please do not be afraid to comment!



  1. Not the easiest poetry to understand but perhaps it's worth the effort of reading several times over.

    Good luck with your future career.

    Judy and Pattie from The Jewish Poetry Society

  2. Thank You very much guys!!...comments appreciated.
