Friday, 31 May 2013


So here I lay,
On this last day of May,
Pondering how it placates me,
Lessening yearning as it Play-Mates me,
Playing with addiction is less pain,
To go without, is to go insane,
It is the happiest heinous friend you could have,
The lapping up of genius tends to soul grab.
You're left with nothing,
But YOU carved the curve of your own coffin.

That which seems jovial and satisfying,
Shows itself to be Lust- full of lying,
Who knew addiction had a face?
Who knew contradiction had a taste?
Bitter isn’t it?
Better than a prison bid?
To give your all to something you have no control over,
You may as well live in a brewery practicing to be sober,
IT should never puppet you!
You have to hold it in your hand and cup it too.
You take the authority,
Never fall victim to become a minority,
The small group of those who are powerless in disguise,
There's nothing wrong with a little addiction -
as long as you know the route to where the exit path lies.

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