Friday, 18 May 2007

Metaphorically speaking


Ok, so you use me!

Should really wipe me first!

I’m there after you’ve quenched a thirst,

You can sit on me,

You can stand above pee,

I am filled then emptied,

One flush, each never envied,

I am a multi used device,

Like to think of myself such as those computers without the mice,

You can touch sheen my aesthetic ceramic form,

Yes I have to be cleaned; it goes down a storm!

Faeces filled Faceted, urination spilled uninhabited,

It seems I am just to be used,

We never vice versa to reverberate humour to be amused,

Not a single Thank You!

I wish just a candid compliment,

One that makes me feel less of a condiment.

Sometimes your sigh of relief evokes my higher belief,

You do acknowledge and know I am here,

You just do not see me, just my sitting sphere,

My flushing face, I blush in space,

Because I am left there again, after intimacy,

Knowing you are to return, increases the legitimacy,

But I am a toilet! Wondrously welded,

Don’t forget to close my mouth, leave me shielded,

I deserve that at least,

I was not just your friend after feast,

I belonged to you!

My poetry

I Came Through The Door

I came through the door,

A mad medium couldn’t have prepared me for what I saw,

I opened my lids and lenses,

Confused by perpetrated purpose pending,

This door has led me to exile,

Anonymity hasn’t known me for a while,

I Pile through perilous in my quest,

Proceeding perpetually through this exiled dark,

Hoping to tread upon a match with which to spark,

Lighting is needed, my speech is impeded,

Why did I open that door?

WHATS THAT? I heard something, ear to the floor,

I wanted to judge the distance,

Or was it fearful bowel resistance,

Still to the floor, ascension needed,

French revisited me “Leve Vous children!”

It flashed leaving me without air expression,

My overriding intention to continue to learn the lesson,

Breathless I resume, grabbing ions to consume,

Inevitable chance of doom, like the economic era it boomed!

Where am I, lost in translation,

A million moons away in mild meditation,

Awaken from a state of hindered hibernation,

Hindered, I stayed winded, senses injured,

I pinch myself to seek reality,

I punch myself to tweak sanity,

The light has intensified, supposed reality arrived,

I have opened, entered and come through the door and survived,

A lesson learnt, feet palms burnt,

Reality adjourned, sweet calm is churned,

However still lost, misunderstanding surroundings picturesquely,

Everything stationary, the door has left my mind messing with me.

The latest Piece

Let Us Imagine

Let us imagine that which I see,

Reflects reversely an inverse through your eyes to me,

My A being your B, Your grey being my green,

Maybe I love your hate and to you my kindness looks mean,

Am I really black, and therefore you really white?

Maybe that which I see as dark is really bright!

Let us imagine the world through each others focal,

That which I see is global, you view as local.

Let us imagine when you whisper, you really shout,

You think you’ve hidden but you’ve been found out,

When one steps forward, it is really back,

Staring Daily into the mirror thinking skinny when really fat?

Punctiliously punching, characterised correctly as a kick,

Am I really this popular or am I a misfit?

Smiling confidence in good looks, appearing to another as unveiled Unattractiveness,

Is this really freedom here or are we trapped in this,

Let us imagine The World we both see is really flat as first thought,

All the lessons imparted on us as children were erroneously taught,

Therefore is our history learnt really the history of fiction?

Alexander, was electricity really mistakenly made in a kitchen?

Let us imagine my bike is your car,

My flight is your swimming far,

Are we all wrong?

Am I thinking first when really last?

Is imagination the world and the world, imagination,

Thus, everything a farce.


first entry

This is my entry ting really, innit. I have created one of these due to a lot of my contemporaries expressing the need for any one with a creative spirit such as myself, to be on here as a great way to just post your work and see what people think, etc. However i am still coming to terms with the idea of showing people my poetic, linguistic and lyrical expression which is the title of this entire blog. I have written poetry for years, since around the time i was writing lyrics doing the whole MC ting as a younger; starting age 13. I still do both but the MC'ing ting so to speak is done for fun now, as everyone is a MC nowadays and i view the scene as extremely farcical, however i am still very much a fan; i love lyrical expression, but especially intelligent and individualistic usage of language. Words are very real and riveting to me, and i personally have come to understand the extreme extent of this in the last year, where you could say i have rekinded the flame of passion for prose and poetry. Any way i think i've blabbed on enough now. Check the posts, look at material posted. Enjoy if you have time, and wish to.

"dat Barbadian boy, Dominican Boy"
"da realest to do dis"
"da best lyricist alive and i do it 4 fun"
"ur inspiration"

ps. some of the above titles may seem bigheaded but you know, as a lyricist you have to claim your the best to believe your the best to ultimately be the best and it is always good to aim for the best.