Friday 18 May 2007

My poetry

I Came Through The Door

I came through the door,

A mad medium couldn’t have prepared me for what I saw,

I opened my lids and lenses,

Confused by perpetrated purpose pending,

This door has led me to exile,

Anonymity hasn’t known me for a while,

I Pile through perilous in my quest,

Proceeding perpetually through this exiled dark,

Hoping to tread upon a match with which to spark,

Lighting is needed, my speech is impeded,

Why did I open that door?

WHATS THAT? I heard something, ear to the floor,

I wanted to judge the distance,

Or was it fearful bowel resistance,

Still to the floor, ascension needed,

French revisited me “Leve Vous children!”

It flashed leaving me without air expression,

My overriding intention to continue to learn the lesson,

Breathless I resume, grabbing ions to consume,

Inevitable chance of doom, like the economic era it boomed!

Where am I, lost in translation,

A million moons away in mild meditation,

Awaken from a state of hindered hibernation,

Hindered, I stayed winded, senses injured,

I pinch myself to seek reality,

I punch myself to tweak sanity,

The light has intensified, supposed reality arrived,

I have opened, entered and come through the door and survived,

A lesson learnt, feet palms burnt,

Reality adjourned, sweet calm is churned,

However still lost, misunderstanding surroundings picturesquely,

Everything stationary, the door has left my mind messing with me.